Honors Track
The Departmental Honors Track in Psychology allows Honors College students who are psychology majors to earn an official Honors Bachelor's degree in Psychology. This is the only way that psychology majors can have the designation of Honors appear on their degree.
The Honors Faculty Advisors for Psychology are Dr. Lisa G. Aspinwall and Dr. Kristina Rand.
- Dr. Aspinwall's office hours (starting the week of January 6), Tuesdays 3-4 PM & Thursdays
4-5 PM
(in person, BEHS 804, no appointment needed).
- Dr. Rand's office hours: Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 AM & Thursdays 1-2 PM BEHS 1030.
The Honors TAs are Alex Detrich and Gio Marquez. They will also be available to advise students in our Psychology Honors Track. Office hours are by appointment.
- Gio - Mondays 1-2 PM & Wednesdays 9-10 AM (in-person or Zoom). Office: BEHS 519.
- Alex - starting 08/19, appointments are available Mondays and Fridays from 10-11 am
via appointment with the link below.
Office: BEHS 924.