Measures and Scales by University of Utah Psychology Faculty
Available for noncommercial educational and/or research use without charge and without any need for special or additional permission.
Where copyright regulations permit, the following links will download the measure or task, the original validation article, and information about scoring.
- Online Social Experiences Measure (Kent de Grey et al., 2019)
- Self-Affirmation Scales (Reed & Aspinwall, 1998)
- Self-Handicapping Scale (Rhodewalt, 1990)
- Solvable and Unsolvable Anagrams (Aspinwall & Richter, 1999)
List of Measures and Scales1 by Dr. Edward Diener that can be found on his University of Illinois website:
- Satisfaction with Life Scale
- Flourishing Scale
- SPANE (Scale of Positive and Negative Affect)
- Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving and Brief Inventory of Thriving
- Affect Intensity Scale
1Most of the documents have been translated into several different languages.