Overview Faculty and Student Award Recipients
Departmental Award Recipients
Katie Baucom
Katie has been recognized by the Career and Professional Development Center and has received a Faculty Recognition Award. This award is given to a faculty member who has significantly contributed to career development or exploration at the University.
Congratulations Katie on this well-deserved recognition!
Erica Barhorst-Cates
Erica has received the Frederick T. Rhodewalt Award for Innovative Scholarship for her research project using virtual reality in innovative ways, “Motor dependence in spatial updating: Individual differences in age and movement experience”. This award is given annually to recognize and encourage creative, innovative or transformative research by a graduate student.
Congratulations Erica!
Lucybel Mendez
Lucy has received the Nancy Patterson Klekas Outstanding Service Award for her outstanding breadth of and commitment to service at the department, community, and national levels. This award is given annually to a graduate student who has gone beyond their usual role by assisting others and enhancing the psychology community.
Congratulations Lucybel!

Parisa Kaliush

Brianna Wellen
Parisa Kaliush and Brianna Wellen
Parisa and Brianna are this year's recipients of the Kevin Hawley Award.
This award is given annually to acknowledge scholastic excellence, generous service
to others, congenial temperament, inspirational fortitude in the face of adversity
and a general zest for life by a graduate student.
Congratulations Parisa and Brianna!
Sheila Crowell
Sheila is this year's recipient of the Irwin Altman Outstanding Faculty Award. This award is given annually to an early to mid-career faculty member who exemplifies the combined values of teaching/mentoring, research/scholarship and service that Irwin Altman demonstrated throughout his career.
Congratulations Sheila!

Danielle Geerling

Lauren Williams
Danielle Geerling and Lauren Williams
Danielle and Lauren are the recipients of this year's B. Jack White Memorial Award. This award is given annually to an advanced psychology graduate student who has shown overall excellence in performance, taking into account coursework, research productivity, teaching and departmental service.
Congratulations Danielle and Lauren!
College of Social and Behavioral Science Award and University Award Recipients
Jeanine Stefanucci
Jeanine is the recipient of the 2019 College Superior Teaching Award (Senior level). Jeanine is not only a wonderful instructor but also doing an outstanding job leading our undergraduate program as Chair of the Undergraduate Committee.
Congratulations Jeanine on this well-deserved recognition!
Lisa Diamond
Lisa Diamond is the recipient of the Distinguished Creative and Scholarly Research Award (DCSRA) for 2019. As many of us know, Lisa is doing outstanding work on the processes underlying the development and maintenance of intimate relationships, including its biological and health-related consequences.
Congratulations Lisa for an award that is truly well-deserved.
College of Social and Behavioral Science Research Day & Student Awardees
Rene Gilfillan
Rene is the 1st place winner in the Undergraduate category. Her poster was entitled: "Patient and Partner Illness Appraisal in Type 1 Diabetes: Observed and Perceived Behaviors in a Diabetes-Related Discussion Task.
Congratulations Rene!
Jennifer Isenhour
Jennifer is the 2nd place winner in the Undergraduate category. Her poster was entitled: "The Enduring Effects of Early Adversity on the Stress Neurobiology of Internationally Adopted Children".
Congratulations Jennifer!
Aydin Tasevac
Aydin is the Student Choice winner. His poster was entitled: "Quantifying the Cost of Interruptions on Visual Search".
Congratulations Aydin!
National Awards
Craig Bryan
Craig was awarded the 2019 American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Citizen Scientist Professional Award. The Citizen Scientist Award recognizes individuals who make substantial contributions to suicide research while also embracing civic mindedness through actions that have added value to their local community or beyond.
Congratulations Craig for a well-deserved award!
Craig Bryan
Craig was selected to the Defense Study Science Group. This is a highly competitive program of education and study that introduces outstanding science and engineering professors to the United States’ security challenges and encourages them to apply their talents to these issues.
Congratulations Craig for a well-deserved award!
Bruce Ellis
Bruce Ellis is the recipient of the Distinguished Contributions to Interdisciplinary Understanding of Child Development Award from the Society for Research in Child Development. Bruce has made major contributions to our understanding of how psychosocial processes influence child development that transcend disciplinary boundaries and this prestigious award highlights his theoretical and empirical work in the area.
Congratulations Bruce for a well-deserved award!
Scholarships and Fellowships
Emily Scott
Emily Scott is the recipient of a Graduate Research Fellowship from the University of Utah.
Congratulations Emily!
Kimberley Johnson
Kimberley Johnson is the recipient of a Marriner S. Eccles Graduate Fellowship from the University of Utah.
Congratulations Kimberley!
Robyn Kilshaw
Robyn (working with Patricia Kerig) has been awarded a APS Student Grant from the Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus (APSSC).
Robyn has also been awarded a prestigious Doctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Congratulations Robyn on the receipt of these competitive awards!
Sara LoTemplio
Sara is the recipient of the Clayton Award for Excellence in Graduate Research.
Sara is also the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for 2019. For her project, Sara will examine the cognitive correlates of nature exposure during a nature trip and the infuence of glucose levels on such links. The goal of her project is to examine the neural (EEG) and metabolic mechanisms potentially underlying the benefits of exposure to nature. Her mentor is Dr. David Strayer.
Congratulations Sara!
Nila Shakiba
Nila is the recipient of the Clayton Award for Excellence in Graduate Research.
Congratulations Nila!
Jenna Alley
Jenna is the recipient of the Clayton Award for Excellence in Research on Underrepresented Populations.
Congratulations Jenna!
MaryJane Campbell
MaryJane is the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for 2019. For her project, she will examine the dynamic nature of parent-adolescent interactions during an observed conflict discussion task. The goal is to understand how parents' ability to regulate their emotions, cognitions, and behaviors dampens the detrimental effects of family conflict on diabetes management. Her mentor is Dr. Cindy Berg.
Congratulations MaryJane!
Crosby Modrowski
Crosby has received the American Psychological Association Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology) Student Achievement Award in Research.
Congratulations Crosby!
Carlene Deits-Lebehn
Carlene has been awarded a University Teaching Assistantship from the University of Utah for next year. Lisa Diamond will serve as her teaching mentor for this award. Carlene will first TA for Lisa’s course on Love and Relationships and subsequently develop her own course on The Psychology of Relationship Conflict.
Congratulations Carlene!
Lucybel Mendez
Lucybel has received a 2018 Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology / APA Division 53 Diversity Travel Award.
This award is intended to provide financial support to allow graduate students and early career professionals from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to attend a conference to gain professional experience and increase their professional network.
Congratulations Lucybel!
Parisa Kaliush
Parisa was awarded a research grant from the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students for her project titled “Identifying a biological mechanism through which maternal history of childhood maltreatment influences newborn neurobehavior.”
This project is being conducted in collaboration with her mentors Sheila Crowell and Liz Conradt.
Congratulations Parisa!
Luciana Salmi
Luciana Salmi, BA in Psychology, has received a Fulbright Research Award to Italy.
Her project aspires to analyze the effects of stress and social support on a group of mothers with a high body mass index categorized as overweight or obese.
Congratulations Luciana!