Developmental area Publications
Here we highlight recent publications by our faculty and students that illustrate the range and depth of the kinds of research we do. This research is often interdisciplinary, makes links to biological mechanisms and health outcomes, and integrates basic science and real world impact!
Bold = Faculty author / Underline = Graduate Student co-author
Featured Publication
Kristina Oldroyd
Monisha Pasupathi
Cecilia Wainryb
Oldroyd, K. L., Pasupathi, M., & Wainryb, C. (2019). Social antecedents to the development of interoception: Attachment related processes are associated with interoception. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 712.
Current empirical work suggests that early social experiences could have a substantial impact on the areas of the brain responsible for representation of the body. In this context, one aspect of functioning that may be particularly susceptible to social experiences is interoception. Interoceptive functioning has been linked to several areas of the brain which show protracted post-natal development, thus leaving a substantial window of opportunity for environmental input to impact the development of the interoceptive network. In this paper we report findings from two existing datasets showing significant relationships between attachment related processes and interoception. These results suggest that parenting style, as reported by the mother, are associated with a youth’s ability to coordinate their self-reported emotional and physiological responding across a series of independent assessments, r(108) = -0.24, p < 0.05. In other words, the more maternal reported parental rejection of youth negative emotions, the less congruent a youth’s self and physiological reports of distress.
Additional Publications
Litchman, M. L., Wawrzynski, S. E., Allen, N. A., Tracy, E. L., Kelly, C. S., Helgeson, V. S., & Berg, C. A. (2019). Yours, Mine, and Ours: A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Type 1 Diabetes Management in Older Adult Married Couples. Diabetes Spectrum, ds180057.
Baker, A. C., Wiebe, D. J., Kelly, C. S., Munion, A., Butner, J. E., Swinyard, M. T., Murray, M., & Berg, C. A. (2019). Structural model of patient-centered communication and diabetes management in early emerging adults at the transfer to adult care. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-11.
Mayberry, L. S., Berg, C. A., Greevy Jr, R. A., & Wallston, K. A. (2019). Assessing helpful and harmful family and friend involvement in adults’ type 2 diabetes self-management. Patient Education and Counseling.
Van Vleet, M., Helgeson, V. S., & Berg, C. A. (2019). The importance of having fun: Daily play among adults with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 0265407519832115.
Mello, D., Wiebe, D., & Berg, C. (2019). Maternal shift-and-persist coping, SES, and adolescent type 1 diabetes management. Children's Health Care, 1-15.
Sheinkopf, S. J., Levine, T. P., McCormick, C. E., Puggioni, G., Conradt, E., Lagasse, L. L., & Lester, B. M. (2019). Developmental trajectories of autonomic functioning in autism from birth to early childhood. Biological Psychology, 142, 13-18.
Terrell, S., Conradt, E., Dansereau, L., Lagasse, L., & Lester, B. (2019). A developmental origins perspective on the emergence of violent behavior in males with prenatal substance exposure. Infant Mental Health Journal, 40(1), 54-66.
Alley, J., Diamond, L. M., Lipschitz, D. L., & Grewen, K. (2019). Associations between oxytocin and cortisol reactivity and recovery in response to psychological stress and sexual arousal. Psychoneuroendocrinology. Advance online publication.
Ellis, B. J., & Del Giudice, M. (2019). Developmental adaptation to stress: an evolutionary perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 70, 111-139.
Pasupathi, M. (2019). Memory, Emotion, and Intersubjectivity: Beyond the information given, and beyond the individual mind. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 1-7.
Raby, K. L., & Dozier, M. (2019). Attachment across the lifespan: insights from adoptive families. Current Opinion in Psychology, 25, 81-85.
Labella, M. H., Raby, K. L., Martin, J., & Roisman, G. I. (2019). Romantic functioning mediates prospective associations between childhood abuse and neglect and parenting outcomes in adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 31(1), 95-111.
Raby, K. L., Freedman, E., Yarger, H. A., Lind, T., & Dozier, M. (2019). Enhancing the language development of toddlers in foster care by promoting foster parents’ sensitivity: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Developmental Science, 22(2), e12753.
Zajac, L., Raby, K. L., & Dozier, M. (2019). Attachment state of mind and childhood experiences of maltreatment as predictors of sensitive care from infancy through middle childhood: Results from a longitudinal study of parents involved with Child Protective Services. Development and Psychopathology, 31(1), 113-125.
Tabachnick, A. R., Raby, K. L., Goldstein, A., Zajac, L., & Dozier, M. (2019). Effects of an attachment-based intervention in infancy on children’s autonomic regulation during middle childhood. Biological Psychology, 143, 22-31.
Zajac, L., Raby, K. L., & Dozier, M. (2019). Receptive vocabulary development of children placed in foster care and children who remained with birth parents after involvement with child protective services. Child Maltreatment, 24(1), 107-112.
Barreiro, A., Arsenio, W. F., & Wainryb, C. (2019). Adolescents’ conceptions of wealth and societal fairness amid extreme inequality: An Argentine sample. Developmental Psychology, 55(3), 498.
Smetana, J., Robinson, J., Bourne, S. V., & Wainryb, C. (2019). “I didn’t want to, but then I told”: Adolescents’ narratives regarding disclosure, concealment, and lying. Developmental Psychology, 55(2), 403.
Recchia, H. E., Wainryb, C., & Pasupathi, M. “I wanted to hurt her”: Children’s and adolescents’ experiences of desiring and seeking revenge in their own peer conflicts. Social Development. Advance online publication.