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Jordan Rullo, Clerkship Coordinator and Adjunct Assistant Professor



Hello Department of Psychology!


I recently joined the faculty as the new Clerkship Coordinator and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology. I’m returning after having graduated in 2011 with Dr. Strassberg as my advisor. My time away from Utah was amazing (a year in Toronto for my internship, 2 years in Minneapolis for my post-doc, and 4 years on faculty at Mayo Clinic), but after 7 years it was time to return to be closer to family.

 It is both great and totally surreal to be back! The great part is that I get to work with you all, surround myself in academic life, experience the excitement of graduate students eager to practice their craft, and reconnect on a different level with professors I looked up to when I was a graduate student. The surreal part is being back on a campus that has changed substantially, being back in a building that hasn’t changed a bit, and going into Dr. Strassberg’s office to chat and not leaving with some sort of writing assignment. Phew!

 I am truly very excited to be back and to be a part of the Department. I also have big shoes to fill as Dr. Baucom ran a very organized ship! Please bear with me as I learn the ropes (and everyone’s names).

 I’m looking forward to working with you all!


Last Updated: 6/4/21