Psychology faculty and graduate students search out and are successful in receiving support at the university level, from various foundations and at the federal level for their research efforts.
Congratulations to Michelle Gereau Mora for being awarded a grant from the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), the 2023 Diversity Grant of the Psychological Science Research Grant (PSRG)
Michelle's project is titled Heart-Rate Variability as a Marker of Incipient Executive Functioning Depletion Following
Use of Expressive Suppression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults.
The proposed study contributes to our understanding of diversity in psychological and neuropsychological research and practice in two important ways. First, existing research on the negative impacts of executive functioning (EF) on cognition and psychological functioning indicate that this association is stronger among cultures with Western values when compared to those with Eastern values (Hu et al., 2014; Soto et al., 2011); however, research in this area is lacking for Latin-American cultures. As such, the proposed study will help to confirm the extent to which the negative relationship between ES and cognition is present among Hispanic and Latino/a/x older adults. Second, valid behavioral assessment of cognitive and emotional functioning among patients from diverse backgrounds poses difficulties due to a variety of factors, including language and cultural variables from both the patient and the provider. The proposed study may yield evidence for a viable non-behavioral assessment method (i.e., HRV tracking) to identify diverse individuals at risk for lapses in executive functioning (EF) in daily life, without the need to submit these patients to neurocognitive testing.
Congratulations to Stacey Brothers who has received a 2022 American Psychological Foundation (APF)Steven O. Walfish grant
This funding source recognizes "clinical, practical, or research innovations that address evolving standards, practices, and methods in psychological practice." Stacey's submission was entitled: Application of Novel Technological Solutions in the Assessment of Culturally Diverse Older Adults. Congratulations to Stacey and her mentor, Yana Suchy!
Congratulations to Kiran Kaur, who is the recipient of the 2022 APA Early Graduate Student Researcher Award from the APA Science Student Council
This funding source "recognizes outstanding and impactful research completed early
in graduate training." Kiran's research integrates innovative methods of examining
emotion regulation, acculturative stress, and other key mechanisms underlying emotional
disorders in racial and ethnic minority communities in order to address ongoing health
disparities. Congratulations to Kiran and her mentor, Anu Asnaani!
Congratulations to Manny Guitierrez Chavez who has received the Inclusive Science Research Development Grant Awardfrom the Association of Contextual Behavioral Sciences (ACBS)
This award is for Manny's research project entitled Atención Plena: Cena Conscientemente con la Familia which entails a community-partnered approach to developing and piloting a mindfulness
intervention aimed at improving eating and physical activity health behaviors with
the Latine community in Utah. Congratulations to Manny, along with his mentors on
this project (Anu Asnaani and Katie Baucom).
Congratulations to Nicolette Molina who has been awarded a Diversity Research Grant from the Society of Pediatric Psychology (APA Div. 54)
Nicolette's project, Prenatal exposure to discrimination: Consequences for Latina maternal and fetal psychophysiology will examine the relationship between daily experiences of discrimination and psychophysiology during pregnancy. Congratulations to Nicolette and her mentors on this project (Sheila Crowell, Liz Conradt, and Sierra Carter)!
Congratulations to Bert Uchino who, along with his co-PI Niall Bolger at Columbia, has received a 3-year National Science Foundation grant entitled The TIMES model: Investigating the importance of social support timing
Bert's project is guided by a new theoretical framework, the Timing Implications
for Mechanisms and Effects of Support (TIMES) Model, which posits (1) that receiving
social support during a post-stressor period facilitates emotional and physiological
stressor recovery, and that such post-stressor support gives rise to (2) different
mediating processes and mechanisms as well as (3) different outcomes than support
provided during a pre-stressor period. This project will fill a crucial gap in our
understanding of processes that underlie the benefits of close relationships.
Congratulations to Kiran Kaur who has received an NRSA from NIH (from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities)
Kiran’s project is titled Understanding the role of emotion regulation flexibility in the association between daily stressors and emotional disorder symptoms in ethnic minority college students.
Kiran is supported in her independent work by an enthusiastic and cross-disciplinary faculty team across our department, with Anu Asnaani as the Sponsor, Sheila Crowell as the Co-Sponsor, and Brian Baucom and Monika Lohani as key faculty investigators on this important work.
Congratulations to Lisa Diamond who in conjunction with Lindsay Grezinksi and Kristina Suorsa-Johnson received funding for their project entitled Fostering mental and physical health among LGBTQ+ Mormons and their Families.
Congratulations to Sarah Creem-Regehr (in conjunction with colleagues in Health) who received funding for a study using virtual reality (VR) to examine chronic symptoms from concussions.
Congratulations to Jeanine Stefanucci (in conjunction with colleagues in Philosophy and Medicine) received funding for a study on training perceptual expertise amongst radiologists.
Congratulations to Monisha Pasupathi (in conjunction with colleagues in the school of medicine and the American Indian Resource Center) received funding for studying pathways for Native Americans to find careers in health.

Congratulations for Jackie Chen and Brian Baucom who received funding for their project entitled Investigating Gender Bias in the Trauma Bay.