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Trafton Drew Receives Binational Science Foundation Grant

Trafton Drew

Trafton Drew,
Assistant Professor

Trafton Drew has received a special grant designed to promote collaboration between scientists from the United States and Israel.

Awarded from: United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation

Grant titled: "Resetting working memory"

What rules govern whether information can be updated or must be reset anew? Our new grant with the BSF argues that we have discovered a neural marker of this resetting process. This project will use this marker to delineate the rules that govern whether changing information will be treated as novel or folded into pre-existing representations. In addition, we will characterize cognitive costs associated with resetting as compared to updating working memory (WM). Overall, the grant will introduce a novel process in visual working memory, the methods to investigate and measure it, and its behavioral consequences. 


Last Updated: 6/4/21