Tamra Fraughton Receives 2015 GE Healthcare Surgery
President's Award
Tami is finishing up her PhD is Social Psychology and her adviser is Carol Sansone.
Here is a description of the 2015 GE Healthcare Surgery President's Award: President’s
Awards are given only once per year to recognize outstanding contributions in a calendar
year. Tami spent much of 2015 developing a new, statistically valid procedure for
trending product complaints. This new technique allows us to recognize problems occurring
in the field as early as possible and enables us to take action in order to keep our
products operating safely and effectively. On top of her daily responsibilities, Tami
also worked overtime conducting data analyses needed for ongoing discussions with
our notified bodies (e.g., FDA) which helped us demonstrate the effectiveness of the
actions we took to make our products more reliable. These efforts together made a
significant impact on the business and were crucial to our goal of continuous business
improvement. Congratulations Tami !
–Posted by Angela Newman on March 29, 2016