Prompts for Applicants
Thanks for your interest in the Neuropsychology and Neural Dynamics lab! We have put this page together to help you decide if our lab is a good fit for you.
Applying to graduate school in clinical neuropsychology can be a challenging, expensive, and competitive process. Deciding whether and where to attend graduate school is a major decision, with important consequences for both applicants and programs. We are committed to improving the process by trying to provide and obtain better information about the potential fit between prospective applicants’ interests and our program and lab.
Please read and think through how you would respond to each of the prompts below. If you can come up with a thoughtful and persuasive answer to each one, then our lab may be good fit for you!
Career fit: “I want to become a clinical neuropsychologist because…”
Research Fit (choose at least one): “I am excited about working on EEG applications to clinical neuropsychology because…”
“I am excited about EEG research on neural dynamics and cognitive performance because…”
Program Fit: “The clinical neuropsychology program at Utah looks like a good fit for me because…”
If you do decide to apply to our lab, we recommend specifically addressing (or at least touching on) each of these prompts in your personal statement. Direct prior experience with EEG and cognitive assessment is also highly valued. If you have specific questions about your potential fit with our lab or ongoing studies, feel free to contact Dr. Euler.
Starting graduate school is a big decision and we hope that providing these prompts will help you understand if our lab and the Utah program is a good fit for you. Best of luck!!