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Faculty and Graduate Students earn recognition for their excellence by receiving departmental awards, college awards and external awards.  Congratulations to all!


Psychology Department Graduate Scholarship and Faculty Awards

Michelle Gereau

Michelle Gereau received the Clayton Award for Excellence in Research on Underrepresented Populations which supports outstanding graduate research.   Michelle’s research focuses on underrepresented populations and cognitive aging.

Martina Hollearn

Martina Hollearn received the Nancy Klekas Outstanding Service Award which acknowledges a student who has gone above and beyond their usual role by assisting others and enhancing our community.

Yun Tang

Yun Tang received the Clayton Award for Excellence in Graduate Research which supports outstanding graduate research. Yun’s research focuses on examining people's beliefs about interest, the impact of those beliefs in educational and organizational contexts, and the implications of these beliefs for understanding underrepresentation in STEM fields.


Michelle Gereau

Jackie Chen received the Irwin Altman Award for Faculty Excellence which recognizes her excellence in research, teaching and service.

Bailey Speck
Joshua Landvatter

Bailey Speck and Joshua Landvatter will share the B. Jack White Award which supports advanced graduate students who have shown overall excellence in performance, taking into account coursework, research productivity, teaching and departmental service.

Wyatt Wilson

Wyatt Wilson received the Outstanding Honors Thesis in Psychology Award for 2023.



College of Social and Behavioral Science Awards for 2023



External Awards


Last Updated: 8/1/23